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WP5.How to adapt to climate change? A policy exercise



The objective of this WP is to run experimental implementation (policy exercise) with a group of stakeholders (representing the different actors likely to engage into adaptation) for building adaptation “strategies” to sea level rise with particular focus on freshwater resources (availability and use, including water supply and sanitation), urban infrastructure / agglomerations and ecosystem services. The policy exercise will be carried out in each research site/country, with a simpler process being implemented in Greece because of more limited resources.
The first task will consist in constructing a common methodology for conducting policy exercises designed as simulation games, during which information is progressively disclosed to participants as support to the development of their adaptation strategy. It establishes an iterative process between: stakeholder workshops that aim at designing adaptation options; and assessments carried out by the ADAPT-MED research team for investigating the implications of the proposed adaptation options, the results of these assessments being fed back to stakeholders as input to refining adaptation options. In line with the focus of CIRCLE-2
MED, complementary assessments carried out by the ADAPT-MED team will focus in priority
on: socio-economic impacts (in terms of costs, benefits and distributional issues); and, impacts on ecosystem goods and services (which services are affected, negatively or positively). Thus, knowledge is progressively developed and shared with decision makers and stakeholders in guiding them in the search for the best options for addressing climate change and adaptation. This approach follows the work of Poumadere et al. (2008), however considering here more plausible coastal changes from WP2 (e.g. Sea level rise between 0.5 and 1m by 2100).
The outcome of the policy exercise in each individual research site will be the identification of the main steps, mechanisms or strategies for making climate change adaptation operational – these being collectively defined. It will help identifying the best opportunities for addressing adaptation under the current policy framework, along with changes in instruments and
framework (including governance) that would be required to enhance its capacity to tackle


Workshops for the Portuguese case study 


The WP5 related documents can be found below, they were prepared by the ADAPT-MED Portuguese teams (UAVR and ISCTE-IUL), regarding the Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) case study

It includes:

Workshop: Water and Adaptation to Climate Change in Mediterranean Coastal Areas in France

This meeting was organized jointly by the Rhône Méditerranée Corse Water Agency and the consulting firm ACTeon (partner of the ADAPT-MED project). Its main objective was to identify opportunities for integration of adaptation to climate change in decisions concerning the Mediterranean coastal territories and their inhabitants.


During this workshop, the vulnerabilities and opportunities of the Mediterranean coastal zone to the effects of climate change were presented beforehand and two sessions addressed the following topics:

The levers and triggers for an effective consideration of the issue of climate change in the territories.

Experience feedbacks:

  • Elaboration of the Gapeau Water Management and Development Scheme (Chaû TON, SAGE, Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant du Gapeau)

  • Questioning with regards to climate change in the Thau basin (Laure MATON, Syndicat mixte du bassin de Thau)


How can climate change be integrated into current approaches?

Experience feedbacks:

  • Relocation project in the Vias municipality in the Hérault department (Sophie DRAI, Communauté d’Agglomération Hérault Méditerranée)

  • Concertation facing climate change in the “Etangs et marais des salins de Camargue” site (Fabien REVEST, Parc naturel régional de Camargue)

  • Ad’Apto program and flexible coastline management (Luisa VELAY, Conservatoire du Littoral)

In reaction to these feedbacks, discussions with participants made it possible to exchange views on taking climate change into account in a selection of existing tools and approaches (ICZM, SAGE, SCoT, etc.). They also provided an opportunity to take stock of opportunities, best practices, constraints and success factors for better adaptation to climate change in coastal areas.


To learn more

Download the workshop program

10 initiatives for the flexible management of the coastline Ad’Apto

Download the workshop synthesis


Please note that all documents are in French only.




Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse- Délégation PACA & Corse


Camille Parrod


What's new ?

The ADAPT-MED workshops for the Portuguese case study were held on the 17th of March and on the 8th of May 2015

Filipe Neto Brandão - member of the Portuguese Parliament from Aveiro – asks the Environment and Agriculture Ministers when the tidal defence works will start in Baixo Vouga Lagunar

The ADAPT-MED online survey on the perception of adaptation to climate change is now available !

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