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WP4.Decision makers: values and perception about adaptation



The main objective of WP4 is to analyse the understanding, perception and values decision makers have vis-à-vis climate change adaptation. Indeed, the underlying assumption is that climate change adaptation will take place only if decision makers have a sound understanding, “positive perceptions” and “positive values” on the importance of climate change adaptation, on their leverage and responsibility and on the need to act now for (uncertain) events that might take place in a few decades.


The WP is structured in different task:


  • Updating the literature review and developing a survey on perceptions about adaptation to climate change. The survey will measure the variables that allow comprehending individuals’ perceptions of climate change, as well as their specific behaviors and willingness to adapt to climate change/to account for climate change adaptation in their own decision;


  • Undertaking a decision makers’ analysis. This task will be run in parallel to WP3 activities, with interviews of decision makers (at different scales in the three countries) contributing to knowledge for both WPs. Interviews will help understanding the contextual factors and already existing beliefs on change potentials and weaknesses regarding climate change adaptation. The knowledge obtained will also help refining the survey;


  • Experimenting on adaptation to climate change, with experimental studies being conducted to test the influence of perception-type variables and possible contextual constraints (identified in the previous two steps) on climate change adaptation;


  •  Conducting the survey with semi-structured questionnaire. Data will be gathered from different decision making scales in the three countries and at European scale. Analytical (statistical) techniques will be used for identifying differences between different types of decision makers (public or private, from one of the three partner countries, from local to European, involved in different sectors or policies, in particular: water management, urban infrastructure, the protection of ecosystems) and factors that might explain these differences. The participants in the policy exercise proposed under WP5 will be included in the sample of decision makers – as this will be the basis for assessing changes in understanding, perception and values (performed under WP6) that will result from their involvement in the policy exercise (WP5);


  • Preparing the WP report.

What's new ?

The ADAPT-MED workshops for the Portuguese case study were held on the 17th of March and on the 8th of May 2015

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The ADAPT-MED online survey on the perception of adaptation to climate change is now available !

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